Selected Audio-Visual Works
streamflow (2024)
A mediation on the reduced levels of rainfall run-off entering Perth’s dams, due to climate change. This work was inspired by the recent drought in the South-West of Australia, which highlighted the drying conditions in the area. The work contrasts the monthly streamflow levels from 1911 – 1975 and post-1975 (in gigalitres) – where once streamflow made up a large component of Perth’s drinking water, the city has now had to diversify its water sources. streamflow is a combination of field recordings (original and altered) from around Serpentine Dam in Perth, sonification, and data visualisation via Ableton and TouchDesigner.
Shown as part of the 2024 Australasian Computer Music Conference.
SLWA Commission (2022)

Four works commissioned as part of the Corridors of Blissterday project, by the State Library of Western Australia in partnership with West Australian Music, to reimagine the State Library archives. The series of works was an interpretation of the State Library’s historical map series 45/9-16 historical map series from 1880-1900. The works are held in the State Library collections and was also performed live as part of WAMFest in 2022.
The Lost (2021)
A contemplation on loss and the sensation of grief. Based on the lost wetlands of Perth/Boorloo, combined with a field recording from Herdsman Lake (one of the remnants of the Perth/Boorloo wetland system).
Shown as part of the 2023 Australasian Computer Music Conference.
The End is The Beginning (2020)
Farewelling 2020, as part of the Lines Community Stream – Sunset Twenty Twenty edition. Part terror, part hope.
Originally streamed on:
Outbreak (2020)
Field recordings combined with sonified data on Australian COVID-19 infection rates.
Data sonified – NSW infection rates from 4th March – 3rd April, and WA infection rates from 22nd March – 3rd April 2020.
Data source: The Guardian.
Water Study (2018)
Created from a field recording of water streaming down The Burren, during my residency at Burren College of Art, Ireland in 2018.
Corridor (2017)
Something I like to explore is using the same field recording to construct a soundscape – as though the sound is mediating on itself. With this piece. I went under an underpass in Neerabup National Park, which backs onto near where I live. Neerabup is an important stretch of bush for two main reasons – firstly, it acts as a wildlife corridor for native wildlife [particularly the many native birds], and secondly it protects part of an ancient Aboriginal migration route [which is now a walking trail called the Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail].
When I was arranging this soundscape, I thought about movement, loss and attempting to preserve what was left.
Bering(forboding) (2017)
Field recordings, voice, histogram from photograph. Field material taken at Beringbooding Rock in Western Australia, December 2016. Performed live at the 2017 Australasian Computer Music Conference, as well as the 2017 Postgraduate Showcase at Edith Cowan University.
Hidden Landscapes (2016)
One of six works created as part of my Silence Awareness Existence residency at Arteles Creative Centre, Finland, in November 2016.
The Light That Is Waiting (2016)
A graphically notated score based on photographs and field recordings of The Pinnacles, Western Australia. Commissioned by the Difficult Music Project, performed by Decibel New Music, Nicole Canham and myself as part of Nicole Canham’s Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address in Perth in 2016.